West Side Farmers Market is a 501-c3 non-profit organization that relies on donations to continue to keep our “Petite yet Powerful” market afloat. Please consider a one-time or recurring payment to help us strengthen our community, support local farmers, and build climate resilience.
We play a crucial role in building up the local food system and increasing community resilience by supporting new farmers, food producers, and artisans. WSFM provides a low-cost opportunity for new vendors to hone their craft in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. Vendor fees only cover about 25% of our budget, we need your support to keep doing what we’re doing to grow into the future!
Donate today at our GiveMN page and 100% of your donation goes to support the West Side Farmers Market
A gift of $10 could support our POP (Power of Produce) Club and give 5 children the opportunity to purchase their own fresh produce.
A gift of $25 could help create a class for vendors on developing their brand, polishing their vending skills, and more.
A gift of $50 or $5 per month could provide supplies for our children’s corner – a much beloved feature for the little ones that gives parents a chance to shop; or support our POP club giving 25 children the opportunity to purchase their own fresh produce.
A gift of $100 or $10 per month could provide a stipend for a local artist to perform or display their art at the market – nourishing our souls as well as our bodies, offer language translation to vendors, or help support a volunteer coordinator.
A gift of $150 or $15 per month could provide new tents or tables for the market or support our POP club giving 75 children the opportunity to purchase their own fresh produce; or support sustainability efforts on market day.
A gift of $250 or $20 per month could support a concerted outreach effort about our programs like Market Bucks that allow those using SNAP benefits to stretch their food budget at the West Side Farmers Market; support multiple artists at the market; support the POP Club giving 125 children the opportunity to purchase their own fresh produce; or support the Market Manager position at one market.
Don’t want to use your credit card? No problem, you can send us a check at West Side Farmers Market, PO Box 7082, Saint Paul, MN 55107. Have questions or an in-kind donation? Contact us at treasurer(at)westsidefarmersmarket.net.
Donations are tax-deductible.